Elliot Street Water Main Replacement

Elliot Street Water Main Replacement

Background: CRW’s finished water distribution system delivers drinking water and fire flows throughout the City of Harrisburg and portions of Susquehanna Township and Penbrook. Much…

Stormwater Small Sewer Separation

Stormwater Small Sewer Separation

Background: As CRW’s City Beautiful H2O Program outlines, significant CSO reduction is required within the Paxton Creek Interceptor sewersheds. Small sewer separation is a cost-effective…

Paxton Creek Interceptor

Paxton Creek Interceptor

Background: The Paxton Creek Interceptor conveys combined sewage from over half of the City of Harrisburg, including the project area, which runs along the creek,…

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Upgrade

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Upgrade

Background: CRW currently gathers water usage readings from meters through a radio-read system. A transceiver (MXU) unit with each meter allows CRW employees to drive…

PENNVEST Pro-Fi Phase 5

PENNVEST Pro-Fi Phase 5

Background: CRW is employing decentralized green/grey stormwater control infrastructure to manage stormwater runoff and prevent flows from entering the combined sewer system, thereby reducing combined…

PENNVEST Pro-Fi Phase 4

PENNVEST Pro-Fi Phase 4

Background: CRW is employing decentralized green/grey stormwater control infrastructure to manage stormwater runoff and prevent flows from entering the combined sewer system, thereby reducing combined…

MS4 Paxton Creek TMDL

MS4 Paxton Creek TMDL

Background: CRW owns the City of Harrisburg Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and applied for an individual NPDES Permit to operate the system in…

Arsenal Boulevard Sewer Rehabilitation

Arsenal Boulevard Sewer Rehabilitation

Background: CRW became aware of issues with existing sewer infrastructure in the area in 2015 when staff responded to reports of sewage odors near the…

DeHart Primary Transmission Main Mountain Line Repairs

DeHart Primary Transmission Main Mountain Line Repairs

Background: CRW’s primary supply raw water transmission main is a 42‑inch reinforced concrete cylinder pipe constructed in the late 1930s. The original isolation and air…

AWTF Energy Recovery Improvements

AWTF Energy Recovery Improvements

Background: Methane produced in CRW’s AWTF anaerobic digestion process is utilized as fuel for boilers and two 400-HP enginators that generate electricity sold to the…

Sewer System Improvements (Combined, Sanitary & Storm)

Sewer System Improvements (Combined, Sanitary & Storm)

Background: CRW’s collection (combined sewage, separate sanitary, and separate storm) the system collects and transports wastewater and stormwater originating within the City of Harrisburg to…

Lower Paxton Creek-Stormwater Injection Well

Lower Paxton Creek-Stormwater Injection Well

Background: The Stormwater Injection Well Study is focused on the wet weather control within the Lower Paxton Creek Priority Planning Area identified in the alternative…

Drinking Water Distribution System Water Main Improvements

Drinking Water Distribution System Water Main Improvements

Background: CRW’s finished water distribution system delivers drinking water and fire flows throughout the City of Harrisburg and portions of Susquehanna Township, Paxtang, and Penbrook.…

DeHart Dam Improvements Project

DeHart Dam Improvements Project

Background: CRW’s primary raw water supply is the DeHart Reservoir, impounded by DeHart Dam. The dam was constructed in the early 1940s with an emergency…

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