City Beautiful H2O Program Plan

The City Beautiful H2O Program Plan (Program Plan) is Capital Region Water’s responsible approach to addressing a combination of system-wide infrastructure deterioration and failure with high-priority water quality compliance activities. Capital Region Water must balance the delivery of reliable service with the Federal Clean Water Act and Commonwealth Clean Streams Law obligations in a manner that our ratepayers can afford.

All deliverables under CRW’s Modification to the Partial Consent Decree are documented below:

Alternatives Analysis Report (submission Mar. 28, 2024)

Appendix 1 – Basis of Costs

Appendix 2- Project Cost Summary Tables

Appendix 3- Performance Graphics

Financial Capabilities Assessment (submission Feb. 23, 2024)

CSO Outfall Repair Update (submission Feb. 13, 2024)

Public Notification Plan (submission Sept. 22, 2023)

Sensitive Areas Report (submission Sept. 22, 2023)

Community Greening Plan

Supporting Documents

Combined Sewer System Characterization Report, Version 2.0

Separate Sanitary Sewer Capacity Assessment Report, Version 2.0

Appendix A – Separate Sanitary Sewer Capacity Assessment Report

Nine Minimum Control Plan, Version 10.0

Operations and Maintenance Manual, Version 8.0

Full Program Plan Document (Right-click and select “Save link as” to download)

MS4 Documents

Joint Pollutant Reduction Plan

Year 1 Annual Status Report

Year 2 Annual Status Report

Year 3 Annual Status Report

Semi-Annual Reports

For the Semi-Annual Report, the required information is covered in Sections 1, 2, and 3 on the operation and maintenance of the facilities, since there is some overlap between the reporting requirements.

Section 4 provides a more comprehensive assessment of the status of the Wet Weather Program implementation of the partial Consent Decree requirements. During this reporting period, CRW continued to address comments from USEPA and PADEP on the City Beautiful H2O Program Plan (submitted on April 1, 2018). CRW also met with USEPA and PADEP to discuss the Program Plan.

March 31, 2024 Chapter 94 Report and Semi-Annual Report on Consent Decree Implementation

September 30, 2023, Semi-Annual Report on Consent Decree Implementation

March 31, 2023 Chapter 94 Report and Semi-Annual Report on Consent Decree Implementation

September 30, 2022 Semi-Annual Report on Consent Decree Implementation

March 31, 2022 Chapter 94 Report and Semi-Annual Report on Consent Decree Implementation

September 30, 2021 Semi-Annual Report on Consent Decree Implementation

March 31, 2021 Chapter 94 Report and Semi-Annual Report on Consent Decree Implementation [part 1]

March 31, 2021 Chapter 94 Report and Semi-Annual Report on Consent Decree Implementation [part 2]

March 31, 2020 Chapter 94 Report and Semi-Annual Report on Consent Decree Implementation

September 30, 2019 Semi-Annual Report on Consent Decree Implementation

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