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Check the map for updates on combined sewer overflow (CSO) activity occurring before swimming, wading, fishing, or boating near a CSO warning sign. Each site indicates a specific CSO within Capital Region Water’s service territory.

Warning CodeWarning Description
Dry Weather OverflowCSO at this location discharged in stable conditions. Not caused by a weather event.
Wet Weather OverflowCSO at this location discharged during a weather event. (Rainfall or snowmelt)
No OverflowCSO at this location has not discharged.
InflowCSO at this location has water entering the outfall.

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What is CSS?

About 60% of Harrisburg’s sewer pipes are part of a Combined Sewer System (CSS). In a combined system, stormwater and sewage are conveyed in the same pipe. Harrisburg is one of nearly 800 cities across the country with a combined system.

During dry weather, sewage is transported to our Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility to be treated before entering the Susquehanna River. During wet weather events, stormwater flows exceed the capacity of the sewer system, causing a mixture of sewage and stormwater to overflow into the Susquehanna River and Paxton Creek.

Capital Region Water implements an integrated outreach and education program to ensure our customers and stakeholders recognize the importance of stormwater management and pollution prevention. These efforts are integrated under a framework that serves to ensure compliance with overlapping regulatory requirements – MS4 Minimum Control Measures (MCMs), CSO Nine Minimum Controls (NMCs), Paxton Creek Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Strategy, and Chesapeake Bay Program. There is significant overlap between MS4 MCMs #1 and 2 regarding public education and involvement and NMCs #7 and 8 regarding pollution prevention programs and public notification.

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