MS4 Compliance


Joint Pollution Reduction Projects






CRW owns the City of Harrisburg Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and applied for an individual NPDES Permit to operate the system in September 2017 (Plan Revised in 2019). Part of the obligations under Harrisburg’s MS4 include a share of Paxton Creek Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Wasteload Reduction for sediment. CRW partnered with Lower Paxton and Susquehanna Townships in this effort and will proceed in the development and execution of projects that will accomplish this goal. Such projects include streambank restoration and renovation of stormwater management facilities.

Project Purpose:

MS4 compliance

Project Summary:

Professional Services and construction of improvements in support of CRW MS4 compliance activities.

The project will be financed from 2017 series bonds/cash.

Estimated Timeline

Ongoing Implementation

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