Sewer System Improvements

Sewer System Improvements (Combined, Sanitary & Storm)

CRW’s collection (combined sewage, separate sanitary, and separate storm) the system collects and transports wastewater and stormwater originating within the City of Harrisburg to CRW’s conveyance (interceptors and pump station) and treatment facilities. Much of the system is quite old (Civil War – 1950s) and constructed of antiquated materials (brick & clay) that have outlived their expected service lives.
Project Purpose:
Rehabilitate priority defects to avoid failures using a variety of methods including conventional replacement and “trenchless” structural pipe lining procedures. Pipe failures cause regulatory violations (sewer backups and overflows) and catastrophic, expensive repair needs including sinkholes and street failures. CRW proactively cleans and televises the system to identify pipe defects so they may be addressed prior to failure.
Project Summary:
Rehabilitate priority pipe, manholes, and inlets.
This project is financed by PENNVEST (1% APR loan) and 2017 series bonds/cash.
Project Locations:
- Market Street (Evergreen to S. 23rd Street)
- North 18th Street (State Street to Derry Street)
- Green Street (Verbeke Street to Herr Street)