
Arsenal Boulevard


Winter 2021- 2024




CRW became aware of issues with existing sewer infrastructure in the area in 2015 when staff responded to reports of sewage odors near the Harrisburg State Hospital grounds and found compromised pipes and manholes near the unnamed tributary.

Immediate repairs were made, and CRW also performed an evaluation of the system in the area. Results showed that existing 24-inch, clay sewer pipes had multiple defects, which led to the development of a repair and replacement plan.

Multiple property owners along the proposed project area have already been notified, and CRW has secured easements to perform work on private land when necessary. Additional project notices will be distributed as work moves forward into construction. Expected impacts to customers and motorists will be included.

The project was first bid in 2021, but bids were rejected due to extremely high costs ($4.5 million). A new engineer was then contracted to redesign the project to reduce costs. The project was rebid in 2023, and the contract was awarded for $2.1 million.

Project Purpose:

Relocation and rehabilitation of a failing section of sewers is set to begin this month in the area of Arsenal Boulevard, near its intersection with 17th Street.

The project will repair and replace sewer pipes and manholes along an unnamed tributary of Asylum Run. A portion of the sewer line also will be realigned to move it away from the stream.

Project Summary:

The project will be financed via a low-interest PENNVEST (1% APR loan). CRW has contracted Ankiewicz Enterprises Inc. to perform the work.

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