PENNVEST Pro-Fi Phase 4

CRW is employing decentralized green/grey stormwater control infrastructure to manage stormwater runoff and prevent flows from entering the combined sewer system, thereby reducing combined sewer overflow (CSO) activity. Planning-area-specific CSO control targets were established for the three planning areas (Uptown, Lower Front, and Lower Paxton Creek) where baseline controls are less effective at reducing CSOs. The 2020-2021 planning effort is identifying high-ranking GSI projects to design and construct with PENNVEST Stormwater Programmatic Financing.
Project Purpose:
The planning effort is focused on the wet weather control within the three Priority Planning Areas identified in the alternative evaluation in Section 8 of the City Beautiful H2O Program Plan.
Phase 4 is centered around four green stormwater infrastructure sites situated in the City of Harrisburg. The scope of work on these projects encompasses right-of-way green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) and community gathering spaces that are equipped with rain gardens and swales on vacant lots and a community center site. The project includes various elements, such as subsurface detention installation, porous pavement and porous asphalt, tree pits, sidewalk planters, stormwater bumpouts, drainage system improvements (including inlets and connected laterals), site furnishings and planting, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps.
Project Summary:
Design and construction of green stormwater infrastructure to manage approximately 18 acres of impervious area located in Lower Paxton Creek Planning Area/Uptown Planning Area/Lower Front Planning Area.
These projects are located in:
- Boys & Girls Club (1227 Berryhill Street)
- Midtown (4th Street between Harris and Reily Streets and Harris Street between Fulton and Logan Streets), ,
- Peffer (4th and Peffer Streets), and
- Swatara (430-418 S 15th Street),
The project design will be funded by PayGo & the project construction will be financed by a PENNVEST low-interest loan.