Paxton Creek Interceptor

Paxton Creek Interceptor

Background: The Paxton Creek Interceptor conveys combined sewage from over half of the City of Harrisburg, including the project area, which runs along the creek,…

Arsenal Boulevard Sewer Rehabilitation

Arsenal Boulevard Sewer Rehabilitation

Background: CRW became aware of issues with existing sewer infrastructure in the area in 2015 when staff responded to reports of sewage odors near the…

AWTF Energy Recovery Improvements

AWTF Energy Recovery Improvements

Background: Methane produced in CRW’s AWTF anaerobic digestion process is utilized as fuel for boilers and two 400-HP enginators that generate electricity sold to the…

Sewer System Improvements (Combined, Sanitary & Storm)

Sewer System Improvements (Combined, Sanitary & Storm)

Background: CRW’s collection (combined sewage, separate sanitary, and separate storm) the system collects and transports wastewater and stormwater originating within the City of Harrisburg to…

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