Leaf Collection in Harrisburg has begun. The City of Harrisburg’s Public Works crews will collect leaves and other yard waste from October 1st until early December; or the first major snowfall. Crews will follow routes and schedules designated by “no parking/street cleaning” signs posted on your blocks.

Raking leaves may also produce other pieces of yard waste such as sticks and fallen branches. Public Works has some helpful reminders for residents to follow so you are not left to handle the job on your own:

  • Leaves should be bagged in biodegradable paper yard bags. These bags are available for free to residents at the Public Works building from 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.  (For information call: 717-412-4320)
  • Yard Bags should be placed at the curb the night before the scheduled collection. Plastic bags will not be picked up because they are not accepted at the composting facility.
  • If you are unable to bag your leaves, you may neatly pile them into the street the night before the scheduled collection. Sticks and other large debris must be bundled and set aside separately. (Do not block drains! Blocked storm drains can cause puddles or flooding when it rains.)
  • Please follow the posted “no parking/street cleaning” signs even if your collection day is a holiday. 

In coordination with Public Works, Capital Region Water’s street sweepers will follow close behind leaf collection crews to ensure any remaining residue is swept from the streets. Please be advised that sweepers are not equipped to pick up piles of leaves or large fallen debris, which will damage equipment. Every effort will be made to continue sweeping during leaf collection and throughout the year; weather permitting.

If you have any questions about leaf collection, or where to get biodegradable yard bags, please call the City of Harrisburg Public Works at 717-412-4320.

For street sweeping questions, contact Capital Region Water at 888-510-0606. You will also find the full schedule posted on our website: https://crew.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=f10bc16aab704d5baafeca89c4494ae4

Watch this helpful video from City of Harriburg Public Works:

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