— EL PROBLEMA DE AGUA POTABLE ESTA CORREGIDO Customers of Capital Region Water were notified on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, of a problem with our drinking…


— BOIL YOUR WATER BEFORE USING Hiervan el agua antes de usarla. Este informe contiene información importante acerca de su agua potable.  Haga que alguien lo…

PUBLIC NOTICE: Bellevue Park Pond Retrofit Project

— Capital Region Water is seeking a Categorical Exclusion (CE) from environmental review through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for its Bellevue Park Pond Retrofit…

Capital Region Water Launches New Website

— Capital Region Water is launching a newly redesigned version of its website at https://capitalregionwater.com. The site provides a more attractive user-friendly experience for customers and…

Flash Flooding Update: Aug 11th Storm

— On Wednesday, Aug. 11, the greater Harrisburg area had a deluge of rainfall from a severe thunderstorm that created localized flooding in many neighborhoods. Local…