
Allison Hill


Fall 2024 - Fall 2025


Under Construction


CRW’s finished water distribution system delivers drinking water and fire flows throughout the City of Harrisburg and portions of Susquehanna Township, Paxtang, and Penbrook. Much of the system is quite old (Civil War – 1950s) and though constructed of reliable materials (cast and ductile iron pipe), a good deal of the system has outlived its expected service life.

Project Purpose:

Replace portions of the system with observed performance deficiencies (low flow/pressure, high frequency of water main breaks) to reduce failures. Pipe failures cause regulatory violations (sewer back-ups and overflows) and catastrophic, expensive repair needs including sinkholes and street failures. CRW proactively monitors the system to locate leaks so they may be addressed prior to failure.

Project Summary:

This is a proactive project to replace water mains, hydrants, and valves in the drinking water distribution system.

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